Margarit-Her, July, 2009, Photo: BlondeMomBlog
"Interrupting our regularly scheduled programming" here to issue an invitation to Nashville area mothers who blog. It's time for a meet up. Our gatherings started, according to my short-time knowledge, with Meredith of LikeMerchantShips, the queen of domesticity and gracious yet frugal living. This summer we evolved into nighttime divas at Margarit-Her, thanks to hostesses with the mostest: BlondeMomBlog and MilkbreathandMargaritas.
Next, come to my far western Davidson County abode on Monday, October 12, for a potluck brunch/lunch from 10:30 - 1:30. Little ones are welcome but come prepared with play props as my babe is now a high school freshman. Direct message me at my Twitter address: or contact me at my address here. Please leave me your email address for directions.
And PLEASE retweet this message so others will know. Okay? Thank you!
Oh, and one more thing: please be thinking about how we can more actively network to share information and assist one another in navigating the blogosphere. I want a round up way to contact us all and network. I have some ideas. Please bring yours on 10/12.
Here's an updated run down on edibles. we are covered, I think if anyone feels they can't swing a dish. Been there. Done that.
Now, here's the rundown: I'm fixing:
SOUP & a
PUNCH - hot fruit-juice based
Posted by: Leisa A. Hammett | October 10, 2009 at 02:53 PM
Absolutely, Meredith! Thank you. And knowing you it will be delivered with grace on a gorgeous plate with made for HGTV styling! Ur good! Ever thought of writing a book? Seriously!
Now, here's the rundown: I'm fixing:
SOUP & a
PUNCH - hot fruit-juice based
also coming: Jennilea, Mary, Lauren
Posted by: Leisa A. Hammett | October 10, 2009 at 11:16 AM
Leisa, I'll be bringing a plate with cheese and sliced fruit, okay? See you Mon!
Posted by: Meredith | October 10, 2009 at 11:07 AM
Jamie, et. al., I'm excited that there seems to be at least a little interest in solidifying us a bit more. BusyMom has suggested quarterly meetups w/ a spkr. Please come with your ideas in mind. I'm not much for taking a whole lot more on my plate in the organization dept. right now, but I would come and support and brainstorm.
I'm also looking to hire affordable, knowledgeable help for my coming up more to speed with the various techno tools out there that will help me infiltrate social media better and get my message and books out there. If you're one of us, a Nashville Mom Who Blogs, and can do this and have both great design and techy skills, make me an offer. And, yeah, I know I need a custom banner. I've got a designer working on it.
See ya'll!
Posted by: Leisa A. Hammett | October 10, 2009 at 03:28 AM
I like the idea of a Facebook page!
Speaking of Facebook, I just posted this link.
Thanks Leisa for hosting!
Posted by: Jamie | October 08, 2009 at 12:00 PM
Oh, aren't I doing good talking to myself here. I look real important. Truth is I've done this all bassackward. I've tried to Tweet the hell out of my invitations and ask for retweets. I'm sorry ya'll. My book just got off to press last Monday and I've been sorta like drowning in it all. Again, bigger, is not always better. Yet, any help spreading the word to the untweeted amongst us is welcome.
Posted by: Leisa A. Hammett | October 08, 2009 at 09:55 AM
Oh, yeah, Geek Momma. I want Geek Momma! I need Geek help. BAD.
Posted by: Leisa A. Hammett | October 08, 2009 at 09:40 AM
Did I miss anyone?
Posted by: Leisa A. Hammett | October 08, 2009 at 09:40 AM
I'm fixing:
SOUP & a
PUNCH - hot fruit-juice based
JAMIE: asked, I said bread or crackers 4 soup
also coming: Jennilea, Mary, Merideth (w/ food) Lauren
Ya'll we might have a small group, but, my experience: the conversation and networking will be extra quality.
Posted by: Leisa A. Hammett | October 08, 2009 at 09:39 AM
Boo back! I'll miss your fun spirit and sweet smiling face. You have great energy. Yes, facebook might be the way to go. Busymom's thought of a quarterly meeting with a speaker. Woo! Another thing to do?! Ummm, I may pass but I can manage to show up!!
Posted by: Leisa A. Hammett | October 08, 2009 at 08:54 AM
Well poo, there's a field trip that day that I'm signed up to go on. I'll miss seeing y'all again!
Would a facebook group help keep us connected? The only other thing I can come up with is a ning group but I'm awful about keeping up with those!
Posted by: Malia | October 05, 2009 at 09:31 AM
I'll be there sans kiddos (oldest is in 2nd grade) from work!
Thanks for organizing this Leisa.
Open to ideas.
Posted by: Jamie | September 15, 2009 at 01:49 PM
Hi Leisa! This Monday is my first day back in the office after being on vacation for a week - so I probably won't make it. But I'm so bummed!
Posted by: amy2boys | September 15, 2009 at 08:39 AM
I romanticize stay-at-home motherhood to the extent that I want to take 10/12 off work and bring Kate to this play-date! Don't know if it will actually happen, but I'll think about it!
Posted by: The Parsonage Family | September 14, 2009 at 11:00 AM